SASSA Grant Increase August 2024, Here are the new payment amounts- Check Now

The SASSA or South African Social Security Agency administers South African social grant payments. These social grants, such as the Disability Grant, SRD Grants, the War Veterans Grant, and the Pension Grant, play a crucial role in providing financial assistance to the natives of South Africa. Child Support Grants are also a part of the social grant payments.

Social Grant Increases for 2024

Payments for August 2024 will be distributed from 1 August to 4 August 2024. Recipients should check their bank accounts or payment options via the South African Post Office or mobile money transfers during these dates.

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SASSA Older Persons Grant

Commonly known as the Pensioners Grant, it is designed to support the retired group of people in South Africa. The revised amount for this social grant is R2180, along with an additional payment of R20.

SASSA War Veterans Grant

South Africans who have served in the armed forces are liable to revive the war veteran grant. Although uncommon, this grant is equally important as any other social grant. The revised grant amount is R2180, along with an additional payment of R20.

SASSA Disability Grant

This grant is focused on disabled South Africans. the applicants can qualify for this grant by undergoing a medical assessment and a means test. The updated grant amount is R2180.

SASSA Care Dependency Grant

Individuals who are taking care of the households and suffer from certain conditions are liable to apply for a Dependency grant. The revised value for this grans is now R2180.

SASSA Foster Child Grant

In support of foster children, this Foster Child Grant was started, where parents and guardians can apply on the kid’s behalf. The value of this grant has now increased to R1180.

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Child Support Grant & Top-Up

The revised value of the child grant is now increased to R530 with an additional R260.

Grant-In-Aid Grant

The guardians and carers in need for additional financial assistance can apply for the Grant-In-Aid grant. The new total for the grant values is R530.

Click here to check the payment status now.

SRD Grant

SRD Grant as hiked with a small amount of R20 (Rs350 to R370). Although the amount does not pose much difference, the government is set to continue the disbursement of the budget for one more year. Chances are that the government might introduce Universal Basic Income.

How To Contact SASSA?

If you have any questions regarding the SASSA application, you can contact us by phone at +27 80 060 1011 or email at

Latest News and Updates on SASSA Pensions 

The latest SASSA Highlights showcase the government’s ongoing efforts to improve the social grant system and ensure timely disbursement. Now, SASSA is focusing on enhancing digital platforms to combat various challenges posed by application processes and waiting timelines. Certain initiatives have been started to reach vulnerable groups in remote areas and provide adequate support.

SASSA is also working on combating fraud and increasing transparency within the system by introducing new verification processes and collaborating with government agencies. This helps cross-check the beneficiary information. Such improving measures ensure targeting the right group for receiving the support without any further delays.

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