How To Visit The Kiswa Factory

The Kiswa Factory, also known as the King Abdul Aziz Complex, is a fascinating place where the cover of the Holy Kaaba is prepared. This factory is located in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. A visit to this factory is a unique experience that allows you to witness the complicated process of creating the Kiswa, the cloth that covers the Kaaba.

Here is a simple article on how to visit the Kiswa Factory.

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How To Visit The Kiswa Factory

To do so, here are the simple steps:

Step 1: Register Your Account

Before you can make an appointment to visit the Kiswa Factory, you need to register an account on the official website. The website is in Arabic, but do not worry, here is a simple translation of the registration form:

  • نوع الهوية = Type of ID (like Iqama, Passport Number, etc.)
  •  رقم الهوية = Passport or Iqama Number
  •  الجنسية = Nationality
  •  المدينة الحالية = Current Residence
  •  الاسم الاول = First Name
  •  اسم الاب = Father’s Name
  •  اسم الجد = Grandfather Name
  •  اسم العائلة = Family Name
  •  الجنس = Gender
  •  المستوى التعليمي = Educational Level
  •  رقم الجوال = Saudi Mobile Number
  •  العنوان = Permanent Address in Home Country
  •  تاريخ الميلاد = Date of Birth
  •  البريد الالكتروني = Email Address
  •  كلمة المرور = Password

Fill out these details and create your account.

Step 2: Who Can Apply?

The Kiswa Factory only accepts visits from certain types of organizations. These include Hajj and Umrah agents, Schools, Universities, Colleges, and Official Delegations. The group size for a visit should be a minimum of 20 people.

Step 3: Making an Appointment

Once you have registered your account, you can make an appointment to visit the Kiswa Factory. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Click on the link provided on the website.
  2.  Click on “تسجيل الدخول“ which means “Login”.
  3.  Enter your Iqama Number.
  4.  Approve the Nafath access.
  5.  Scroll down and click on the “اريح مجمع الملك عبدالعزيز لكسوة الكعبة“.

Please note that the new website may not have updated the Kiswa factory appointment yet. If that is the case, you will have to go to the old website.

Step 4: Terms and Conditions

While making an appointment, keep in mind the following conditions:

  • Visiting Hours: The factory is open for visits from 9 am to 12 pm.
  • Group Size: The group size for a visit should be between 20 to 100 people.


Visiting the Kiswa Factory is a unique experience that allows you to witness the production process of the Kiswa Kaaba. Remember to make your appointment and follow all the necessary steps and conditions.

Some FAQs

What is the Kiswa Factory?

The Kiswa Factory, also known as the King Abdul Aziz Complex, is a factory in Saudi Arabia where the Kiswa, the cloth that covers the Kaaba in Mecca, is produced.

Who can visit the Kiswa Factory?

The Kiswa Factory only accepts visits from certain types of organizations, including Hajj and Umrah agents, Schools, Universities, Colleges, and Official Delegations. The group size for a visit should be a minimum of 20 people.

How can I make an appointment to visit the Kiswa Factory?

You need to register an account on the official website. Once you have registered your account, you can make an appointment.

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